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Early bird price is  $120 a ticket.  After October 1st the tickets will be $150.  Reserve your spot now! 

Plated dinner options are:

  • Herb Crusted Flank Steak topped with a sundried tomato cream sauce- gluten free
  • Lemon Herb Grilled Salmon with Angel Hair Pasta Primavera - dairy free
  • Grilled Portobello Mushroom stuffed with sauteed onions, peppers and spinach topped with a Roasted Tomato Sauce with Baby Baker Potatoes - vegan, gluten free  

Become a Sponsor! 

Our event is attended by people from all over the region so your business will be in front of many potential customers and clients who appreciate your support of Renton Rotary.  Sponsorships helps underwrite our event costs, which allows more funds raised to go directly back to the endeavors of Rotary.  There are many sponsor opportunities and benefits to you and your business.  Thank you!

Premier:  $20,000

  • Dedicated time to address attendees at event
  • Two-page centerspread advertisement in catalog
  • Logo/Name on website
  • Recognition signage at event
  • Social media promotion pre & post event
  • Reserved VIP table for 10

Platinum Sponsor:  $10,000

  • Full page advertisement in catalog
  • Logo/Name on website
  • Recognition and signage at event
  • Social media promotion pre & post event
  • Reserved VIP table for 8

Be a Gift to Renton:  $6,000

  • Full page advertisement in catalog
  • Logo/Name on website
  • Recognition and signage at event
  • Social media promotion pre & post event
  • 6 tickets to event

Gold Sponsor: $5,000

  • Full page advertisement in catalog
  • Logo/Name on website
  • Recognition and signage at event
  • Social media promotion pre & post event
  • 5 tickets to event

Bronze Sponsor:  $2,500

  • Half-page advertisement in catalog
  • Logo/Name on website
  • Recognition and signage at event
  • Social media promotion pre & post event
  • 2 tickets to event

Friends of Renton Rotary:  $1,000

A gift of $1,000 goes right to our bottom line to give back to the community.  Your name will be included in the program and displayed during the evening.

Contributing Sponsor:  $500

Event recognition with name listed in the CAPER sponsor program.


Booster Sponsor:  $250

Event recognition with name listed in the CAPER sponsor program.


And there are more!  For complete information email RentonRotaryAuction@gmail.com



2024 Renton Rotary CAPER Auction
Saturday, October 19, 2024
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Single Ticket $0.00

Bronze Sponsor (2 included) $0.00

Table of 10 (10 included) $0.00

Gold Sponsor (5 included) $0.00

Be a Gift to Renton Rotary Sponsor (6 included) $0.00

Silver Sponsor (4 included) $0.00

Table of 8 (8 included) $0.00
Donations & more sponsorship opportunities
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Friend of Renton Rotary $0.00

Coats for Kids Donation $0.00

Scholarship Donation $0.00

Scholarship Sponsor $0.00

Music Recorder Sponsor $0.00

Coats for Kids Sponsor $0.00

Contributing Sponsor $0.00

Booster Sponsor $0.00

Cash Donation $0.00

Convenience Fee - help with credit card fees $0.00
Registration closes: Friday, October 11, 2024

I would like to make a donation

I authorize Renton Rotary CAPER, Inc. to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event 2024 Renton Rotary CAPER Auction. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.

Thank you to Our Sponsors